Image illustrative de Sirens (2011)
Image illustrative de Sirens (2011)

Sirens (2011)

Channel 4 comedy-drama set in Leeds about a team of world-weary paramedics who are forced to confront the dregs of society - not to mention their own inadequacies.

Terminée Anglaise 60 minutes
Comédie, Comedy, Drama Channel 4 2011

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.02 - Two Man Race

Two Man Race

Stuart, Rachid and Ashley find their male pride rattled by the lads from the local fire brigade. As the team make a drop-off in A&E, Stuart observes the waiting room is awash with the dregs of humanity and proclaims he's proud that he is 'biologically incapable of adding to its vile and dirty ranks'. Yes, he's firing blanks. When Ashley and Rachid tease him that he's not getting any anyway, he drops a bombshell; he has a date - with Angie, played by Charlene McKenna, a student and eco-campaigner he met a few weeks back. As soon as he's alone, Stuart digs out her number and quickly arranges the date. After a shaky start, things are going well with Angie, but Stuart seems to be behaving in a macho way that neither he nor his friends recognise. Is it Angie's mystique that's having this effect on him, or is it something more powerful than that?

Diffusion originale : 04 juillet 2011

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Diffusion française : 04 juillet 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Victor Buhler
Scénariste.s : Brian Fillis
Guest.s :

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